The Live Like Jack Fund

honors the life of John Lawrence Bauer, III, "Jack" by supporting people and organizations that introduce children to outdoor recreation.

Regardless of where you live or what you do for a living, there's nothing more important than living life to the fullest. Jack lived life to the fullest, and his too-short life has inspired so many of us to try to live more like Jack did. The Live Like Jack Fund aims to continue this inspiration. We want to spread Jack's enthusiasm for the outdoor life to children and young people everywhere.

Our mission is to inspire a passion for the outdoors in children. By raising and supporting organizations that deliver fun-filled outdoor adventures, we hope children will find happiness, respect, integrity, and a desire to learn and grow. We need your support to share this passion for fun and the outdoors. Your generous support will help us share these experiences with young people and encourage them to build a lifelong love of the outdoors.